
Recreational Proteção Patins

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O equipamento de proteção Recreational 3 peças da REKD é feito a pensar no conforto e na durabilidade.

As capas são feitas de plástico resistente de alto impacto. Os protectores de pulso têm uma tala dupla para máxima proteção. Por baixo dos bonés existem almofadas de espuma que absorvem o impacto.

Todas as peças têm tiras duplas de velcro elástico e uma meia elástica com um respiradouro de humidade e também um forro confortável.

Comentários/Resenhas   (97)

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Valter Cunha (Agualva-Cacém) 20-12-2022
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"Great quality pads. Fitted perfectly and are comfortable to wear. The hard outer shell really will prevent your bones getting bashed. Best pad set you can get in my experience."
Martin Banks (Wigan) 12-11-2024
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"Het is een set waarvan maar 1 item (de polsbeschermers) past en het is niet praktisch dat je meerdere sets zou moeten kopen om een passend geheel te hebben voor 1 persoon. Knie- en elleboogbeschermers zijn veel te klein."
T.J.A. G. (Heiloo) 04-08-2024
Resposta de SkatePro:  Beste, Bedankt voor je review. Helaas is dit heel persoonlijk. Voor de meeste klanten is er wel en passende set gelukkig, maar dit is helaas niet voor iedereen :( Ik snap de frustratie echter. Excuses voor het ongemak. /TeamSkatePro
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"The sizing is all over the place! Based on the measurements I took, I needed this set in the Large size. The knee pads are VERY snug (and I have slim legs!) and the seams are sharp and chafe against the skin if the pads are worn with shorts. The wrist guard is the only thing in the set that fits almost correctly, and even then the velcro strap overlaps the fastening and will need trimming. The elbow pads (which were the main reason for me buying the set, ironically) are, despite the measurements on the size chart matching the measurements I took, absolutely enormous and slide all over the place, even with the velcro straps at their tightest setting. Do companies do this on purpose so that they can make money from customers having to buy separate sizes at grossly inflated prices? Will not be recommending this set, sadly."
Miss B. (Polegate) 07-06-2024
Resposta de SkatePro:  Hey, thank you for your feedback!

We're sorry to hear the size does not fit! It can sometimes be very difficult to find the right size because everyone is different and has different proportions.

We appreciate the information and are sure it will be helpful to other customers. We will continue to look into the product!

Thanks! / Your SkatePro team
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"Working well and comfortable."
Fletcher D. (Revelstoke) 30-05-2024
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"Très bien, livraison rapide"
Jean-Luc W. (Salavaux) 12-05-2024
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"these serve the intended purpose just right, good-looking and comfortable as well!"
Kristijan P. (Zadar) 09-04-2024
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"Estupendas protecciones. Pero aún tomando las medidas como indicaba en la web, son pequeñas."
Liliana Losada Cucco (Madrid) 03-02-2021
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"Genial. Tal como aparece. Muy buena compra."
Emi Abad de Brieva (Cadiz) 30-09-2019
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"Protection top. Seul les genouillères sont un peu juste pour attacher malgré que j'ai pris la taille renseigné sur le guide."
Anthony D. (Ramonville-Saint-Agne) 07-02-2022
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"Tres bien"
Virginie SCHAEFFER (FROHMUHL) 11-01-2022
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"Qualité et prix au top"
e. romain (Toulouse) 21-01-2021
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yannick drouet (saint raphael) 15-09-2020
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"Entièrement satisfaite taille impeccable bonne protection moins de transpiration ma petite fille est ravie"
Derisbourg Jacqueline (Breuil-le-Vert) 10-02-2020
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