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Falta um calço de travão nos seus patins Powerslide?
Estas pastilhas são compatíveis com o sistema Powerslide H.A.B.S. (height-adjustable-brake-system).
Aviso: Vendido apenas como um calço - Material de montagem e braço do travão vendidos separadamente
Peças compatíveis
Encontre produtos compativeis com Powerslide H.A.B.S. Calço De Travão Para Patins:

Não incluído
Brake mounting bolt:
Comentários/Resenhas (73)
"Everything perfect." | |
Artur A. (Bradford) | 16-11-2020 |
"Does what it says on the tin however it would be good if it came with the mounting bolt and square nut as these wear out too." | |
ryan Vardy (london) | 11-07-2018 |
"Product looks good and very happy with the service! Thanks Skatepro! (H) A termék jó és nagyon elégedett vagyok a szolgàltatàssal! Köszönjük Skatepro!" | |
RICHARD SIMON (Kettering) | 27-01-2017 |
"The harder white break pads are excellent!" | |
George Ciora (Swindon) | 16-06-2015 |
"These brakepads are too soft. Braking distance is good but pads are finished after two or three harder brakings. Height adjusting works and it is good invention." | |
Pekka Kaarlela (Turku) | 01-06-2009 |